
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Deviantart, Artistic Journey Competition

Been reworking some older/newer work for a competition on deviantart.

To start off, I started adding a bunch of old work onto a canvas and playing around with different arrangements.

At this point I was happy with the composition on the left. On the right I was having trouble deciding what would fit together and how to fit them together. At this point the general idea was to have a bunch of different characters in different styles, from different points over the last few years.

Started to cut out characters to make the image more thematic. Also started testing out different backgrounds for the right side. Also made a path of bones along the road down the center.

Figured my vampire hunter character made more sense. Played around with adding tentacles to the monster. Wanted them to cross over to the left side, but didn't want to obscure the background so decided not to.
Also started making objects in the background darker, and in the foreground lighter, to add some depth. Also added Gaussian blur to several layers for the same purpose.

Decided on gravestones for the foreground on the right, to create a sense of connection between the left and right. 

Added glowing pink/green glob behind monster to make it stand out more from the background. Also stared adding little bits and pieces of it to the left side to make them fit more and to suggest the corruption of the monster is spreading.

Rearranged background on the left side, and added more glows all over. Not sure If I've overdone it or not, nor whether this is the final version. When I look at it tomorrow with fresh eyes I'll probably make some changes.

In the context of the competition, there's not really any great meaning to it. I guess the monster could symbolise the risks and threats I've faced in my life to my work and creativity :P Procrastination, power cuts, software crashes, lost memory sticks and spilled drinks :P

And the combination of several characters/styles I've worked in over the last few years, one show my development, and convey the fact I haven't yet found "my" style.

The gravestones with "Hopes", "Dreams" and "Wishes" on them symbolise dead dreams. Nothing heavy. Just shifting priorities and interests. From concept artist to archaeologist to working in a gallery or museum to digital painter, to 3d modeller to texturer and back to digital painter. I've probably missed a few stages out.

I guess the reanimated skeletons could suggest new dreams rising up from the dead ones,

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