
Thursday 30 October 2014

3D Animation Project: Textures Update

At this point, the building and the ground were textured with a block colour.
At this point, everything has textures, albeit, minimal ones.

To make the stars I generated some noise, and then adjusted the levels so it more resembled a starry sky. Then I created a radial gradient, going from dark green to light green, and placed it on a new layer above the stars. The gradient gives the background some depth. I changed the blending mode to 'Linear Dodge (Add)'. 

Then, for the majority of the rest of my objects, I simply took the starry background, used the Smudge Stick filter, and created a layer above it with the 'Linear Dodge (Add)' blending mode again. On this layer I placed a variety off purples and greens to get all the textures I needed. 

To make my indoor texture fit the new style, I simply overlayed one of the above textures onto it:

To make my earth texture fit the new colour scheme I simply changed the hue:

For my oil rigs, I simply used the paintings I did for my storyboard. I added them to my animation the same way I did my character, with alphas on a plane:

Once in Cinema4d, I duplicated the plane object and rotated them back to back the make it look 3d. As can be seen here:

 And here is the alpha and texture for my aeroplane:

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