
Tuesday 21 October 2014

3d Animation Project: Render style

This is a pretty plain render, with only Ambient occlusion on:

I really liked the colours in this image that I came across when doing research for my style tile, so I used it as a reference at first.

Started playing around with textures and the Sketch and Toon render setting. I liked this mix of flat 2d and 3d objects, the contrast helping to create depth. This was achieved by simply excluding certain objects from the settings. However, I felt too much detail was lost with this style.

Whereas with the above image, I added the texture in the render settings, in the below image I added the textures directly to the objects and then rendered with Sketch and Toon set to 'Shading' instead of 'Texture'.

I then created some lighter textures and added reflectance so they would have highlights in the render 

I tried to create a more stylised earth, by making a 'Landscape Object' Spherical, reducing the number of width segments and playing around with the 'Sea Level' and 'Plateau Level'. I really liked how it looked, but it didn't work very well with all the objects(oil drills, chimneys, piles of rubbish/tyres) that I made to litter the earth.

This is the final style I arrived at:

I settled on a sort of sickly colour scheme of greens, purples and pinks. I thought this added an atmosphere of unease, and wrongness. 

Another thing I did, was added a Normal to the earths texture, because I felt it looked too flat. Here it is without the normal:

Here it is with a normal of 70%. I thought it looked cool unrendered, but when rendered was too black:

Here it is at 37%: 
In the end I settled on 25% which I felt was a good balance.

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