
Thursday 18 September 2014

Games Artist Skillset

(To any random passers-by, I'd recommend not wasting your time reading this post. It's part of my personal and professional development project I have to do for college and you'll probably find it boring)

Have an art portfolio demonstrating a range of work and originality of style - I think so, but I guess it's kind of subjective. It includes a range of work including web design, game design, poster design, in many different style and techniques.

Be able to draw from life - At an amateur level. Intend to practice a lot.

Have knowledge of anatomy and architecture - A basic knowledge - will work on expanding it through practice and study

Be able to convey facial expressions and emotions - Rarely draw faces, so not really sure. Guess it's something else I'll have to practice a lot this year

Have a flair for colour, composition, perspective, modelling and texturing techniques, lighting and mood - Very little experience of modelling, texturing and rendering so hard to say right now.

Have skills in comic book art and/or storyboarding - College projects have touched upon comic book art and storyboarding. I've made a few storyboards which I have received good feedback for. Currently planning a comic and have a few projects in mind I'm going to storyboard soon.

Be able to work as part of a team and independently - I believe so.

Be imaginative and creative - I'd like to think so.

Pay close attention to detail and have strong powers of observation - Somewhat. My RE, English and History teachers used to say I had good observational skills. I'm not really sure how this would be measured. Perhaps essays and annotations of my research? I guess I wouldn't have been getting distinctions and merits last year if my observations were sub par. Although I don't think my Kill Bill essay was particularly well written, I think I managed to deduce and write about some interesting points. From analysing sources in History, analysing books in English, and analysing art and videos in Interactive Media, I think I've developed the ability to pay close attention to detail, and good observation skills.

Have good communication skills - I've never received negative feedback on my communication skills, but that could be because of a lack of communication :P Apart from being a bit shy, I think I've got enough to get by.

Be able to work to a style guide - Never been in a situation where it has been required.

Have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant Health and Safety legislation and procedures - I'd assume it would differ from workplace to workplace, but I imagine it's mostly common sense, and will be pretty similar to the Health and Safety legislation that my schools have hammered into me my whole life. So I can pretty confidently say yes.

Looks like I've got my work cut out for me :P

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