
Thursday 18 September 2014


On Monday we did a digital skills lesson in Cinema4d. It was primarily to help us become familiar with the controls and navigation of the workspace, to prepare us for the rest of the year, in which we are going to do projects on 3d animation and game design.

More specifically we learnt the rudimentaries of scaling, panning and rotating, adding materials and reflections etc, adding a camera and rendering. I'm going to post the process here, so I'll be able to use it as a reference to refresh my memory.

Started by learning to add shapes, and use the navigation tools in the top right of the window, to change the angle and zoom of our view. Then we experimented with scaling and repositioning the object, using the toolbars:

Then we opened a new project and added a sphere, and a floor. We repositioned the sphere so it was sitting on the floor instead of in it. Then we duplicated the sphere, and separated them out:

Then we learnt how to create a new material, just simply using a block of colour:

This first image is the sphere rendered with the material. The next step was to add a sky. For the purpose of the tutorial we just found a random HDR photo off of Google images:

 Then we edited the material again to make it reflect the sky:

Then we were given some time to experiment and do our own thing. I figured out how to manipulate edges, vertices and faces and made this. Some sort of spaceship or something.

Started with a circle and stretched it on the x axis:

 Then compressed it on the y axis and then manipulated it further by using the edge selection mode, and move/rotate controls:

Could maybe be some sort of hoverboard:

Included some screenshots without the wireframe to see how it actually looks. Probably should have taken a screenshot of it rendered with a material.

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