
Friday 19 September 2014

Sort of reviews/recommendations

I didn't plan to, but ended up seeing How to Train Your Dragon 2 three times over the summer. Thanks to half price Tuesdays and my student ID it only cost me around £10 overall. This wasn't by choice, I just happened to go the cinema with three different groups of people who decided that that's what they wanted to see. Not that I minded seeing it three times. Same sort of thing happened last year with Expendables 2, but in that case, one viewing would have been more than enough for me. Anyhow, I happily would have payed full price for all three viewings of HTTYD. I'd say it's my favourite film of the summer, topping even Guardians of the Galaxy, which is saying a lot, because Guardians was awesome.

On a similar note, speaking of Guardians, I'd say it's my favourite marvel movie to date, being both the funniest and the saddest, with the best soundtrack, most interesting characters, most interesting setting and a villain showdown almost as memorable as Monty Pythons Black Knight. Although the plot was pretty standard fare, every other aspect of the movie held it up.

Back to Dragons, I haven't actually seen the first one, but read the book years and years ago. Although, from what I've seen and heard it's nothing like the book, so I guess that's a pointless distinction. Now that it's in my head, I think I'll go to HMV after college some time next week and pick it up. Sadly it's not on Netflix :(

Anyhow, I think it's great how the film managed to make me care about the characters, without the benefit of the exposition and the development in the first film.

There was one scene that drove the air from my lungs, it was so unexpected and unimaginable. If you've seen it you'll know what I'm talking about(unless you're a heartless monster :P ). If you haven't seen it you'll know when it happens.

And you really ought to see it.

My most recent game purchase was the Child of Light Deluxe Edition. It arrived about a week ago, but I had some trouble with the codes so haven't been able to install it until now, after a lengthy correspondence with tech support. The combat system is way more in-depth than I imagined, with real-time mechanics interspersed with the turn based mechanics, making it probably the most tense and frantic turn based RPG I've played. I mainly bought it for the visuals and story but now I've got the exciting gameplay to look forward too whenever I get to play as well. I'm guessing most people interested in the game already know about the combat system, but I try to avoid reading too much about a game before I get it, so it feels fresh and new when I finally play it, even if it's half a year old.

You control the main character, Aurora with the left analogue stick, and her companion Igniculus with the right analogue stick. If I had known this previously I might not have bought the game. I'm glad I did, because it is nowhere near as cumbersome/unnatural a control scheme as I would have imagined. So if anyone's skeptical about the controls, don't be! The main thing that killed my interest in Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, was because I thought I would despise the controls. However, I'm thinking I'm going to have to get that now too. Let's hope it goes on sale soon.

Fools Assassin by Robin Hobb. I can honestly say, the hours I spent reading this book, were some of the best hours I've ever spent on anything.

Better than any other books, any film, any game, any tv series etc etc.

I'm not sure where I've heard this idea from, google doesn't come up with anything, but when considering Fitz and his daughters relationship, I think of the saying "Men will do greater evil for love than for hate."

It's probably from one of Hobb's other books :P They are the most quotable things ever written. Anyhow, I think it perfectly sums up a fathers feelings for his daughter. I get the impression FitzChivalry would tear the world apart if to save his daughter. Although there's only one or two actions in this book that could be perceived as evil/overprotective, I imagine he's going to be pushed to a far greater extent in the following books of the series. Think of the extent Joel would go to to protect Ellie in the Last of Us, and multiply it by ten.

Anyhow, I heartily recommend this book, but would suggest that you read at least the Farseer and Tawny Man trilogies first. And if you can be bothered, the Liveship Traders and the Rain Wild Chronicles series too, although they are set in a different country with a different cast of characters, there is some overlapping.

I remember reading about half a year ago that Hobb was writing another book about Fitz and the Fool but after waiting years for George RR Martins A Dance With Dragons I've been conditioned to expect a long wait for books. It was a nice surprise to open my birthday presents and find this, having not expected it's release any time soon. Hopefully the next installment will be released just as promptly :P

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